叱吒於80年代中、90年代初時裝界的除了有上篇"Lady Bird飛進邁亞美海灣"的Versace外,還有....................,
香奈兒於那個美好年代的最大貢獻,除了是(1)始創於Coco Chanel那招牌式的圓領開襟雙色套裝,
還有(3)一系列橫掃整個時尚界的菱格雙C Logo Chain Bag,
(4)雙C Logo的金飾,
以及(5)現在有價有市,抄價甚至比新款佩飾還要高出幾倍的的Vintage Logo金腰鏈。
Style 1. With 80s Vintage Gold Chain Belt
(Rorie Vintage Doggie-print Shirt 2011',Made in Korea Pleated Skirt 2011',Vintage White Plastic Visor 2012',Vintage Aviator Sunglasses from
U.S.A. 2012',Vivienne Westwood Socks 2011',Dr. Martens Yellow 3 Eyelet Shoes 2011',80s Vintage Gold Chain Belt from T.S.T. 07')
重要佩飾(1)有完全源自80年代,完全Chanel影子的黑皮菱格Chain Bag,
還有的是(2)充滿運動氣息又兼具玩具味道的80s Vintage White Plastic Visor。
Style 2. Without 80s Vintage Gold Chain Belt
(Rorie Vintage Doggie-print Shirt 2011',Made in Korea Pleated Skirt 2011',Vintage White Plastic Visor 2012',Vintage Aviator Sunglasses from
U.S.A. 2012',Vivienne Westwood Socks 2011',Dr. Martens Yellow 3 Eyelet Shoes 2011')
Style 3. With 80s Vintage Black Leather Gold Chain Bag
(Rorie Vintage Doggie-print Shirt 2011',Made in Korea Pleated Skirt 2011',Vintage White Plastic Visor 2012',Vintage Aviator Sunglasses from
U.S.A. 2012',Vivienne Westwood Socks 2011',Dr. Martens Yellow 3 Eyelet Shoes 2011',80s Vintage Black Leather Gold Chain Bag from
Central 07')
黑皮金鏈包包靈感完全取自香奈兒經典Chain Bag,三角加三角,便等於菱格。
佩飾(3)購自日本的黑皮Gold Chain Suspenders。
Style 4. With Gold Chain Suspenders
(Rorie Vintage Doggie-print Shirt 2011',Made in Korea Pleated Skirt 2011',Vintage White Plastic Visor 2012',Vintage Aviator Sunglasses from
U.S.A. 2012',Vivienne Westwood Socks 2011',Dr. Martens Yellow 3 Eyelet Shoes 2011',Gold Chain Suspenders from Tokyo 09')
佩飾(4)完全Vivienne Westwood的玩味英文字圖案的短襪,
佩飾(5)來自美國Vintage Aviator Sunglasses,黃色鏡片很獨特。
Style 5. With 80s Vintage Black Leather Gold Chain Bag
(Rorie Vintage Doggie-print Shirt 2011',Made in Korea Pleated Skirt 2011',Vintage White Plastic Visor 2012',Vintage Aviator Sunglasses from
U.S.A. 2012',Vivienne Westwood Socks 2011',Dr. Martens Yellow 3 Eyelet Shoes 2011',80s Vintage Gold Chain Bag from Central 07')
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